How to become a Member
Membership is open to all persons 18 years of age or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club, and who subscribe to the purposes of this Club.
Annual dues are $20.00 per member and MUST accompany application.
An Applicant must be sponsored by a current Member in good standing of the Springfield Kennel Club. The Sponsor must complete a "Sponsor's Endorsement", which must accompany the Application and Applicant's Information Form and be submitted to the Membership Chair:
Springfield Kennel Club, Inc.
Nanette Prideaux, Membership Chair
1042 Turkey Street
Hardwick, MA 01082
Each Applicant for Membership must be introduced to the General Membership of the Club at a regularly scheduled meeting, so attendance (of the Applicant AND the Sponsor) is mandatory at a Club meeting prior to that Applicant being voted on for Membership.
Volunteer activity is the life of the Club. We could scarcely function without the volunteer work of our Members. Participation in Club activities and functions helps us form ties of friendship with other Members and with other participants in the sport. It also gives us the opportunity for growth in knowledge. Some of the activities we look for voluntary participation in are: Educational programs, Club and show publicity/advertising, meeting and event refreshments, event advertising, show and match site set-up and stewarding, and various Show and Club Committees..